My Daughter

My Daughter

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Not pretty good

I am not feeling well right now. I guess this was because of the start of my cough and cold and so I bought some medicines earlier to protect me from those unpredictable diseases. Last week, my hub and my daughter were having coughs and so I gave them Ceelin Vitamin-C capsule Junior. Well, it really works for them.Doesn’t need any hard medicines but only juices and Vitamin-C.

Last night, my baby keep on crying and I don’t know what’s goin’ on with her and so I checked her every now and then. I hugged him tightly and everytime is alright with her. I guess she was infected by mild cough and colds , everything is alright with my baby.

I really have to take medicines as early as now to protect me and my daughter from infectious diseases.

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