My Daughter

My Daughter

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I am scaring everyone away somehow?

OK, I hope this doesn't sound too "feel sorry for me and be my 'friend' " but here's the thing. I joined about a month ago, and have put in friend requests on several people's pages...mostly people whose posts I have commented on, cause I wasn't thinking about getting 'friends' when I first started, just figured I'd go with the flow. Is there something in my profile that turns people off to me? Cause not one of the requests I put in were accepted. :( Am I being too forward?

I feel kind of stupid here...I'm not trying to get sympathy friends, just trying to figure it out. I know on Facebooke I only accept 'friends' that I actually know, is that what's going on here maybe? I figured that I would be more open to new friendships here on this site, because I'm not worried about weird-o's ya know? And being a parent is kind of like being in an elite club....

I dunno. As I said I feel stupid for writing this, I just want to know if I should be doing something differently, or if I'm offending people, or if maybe I just don't have enough experience and am not asking the right kind of people or if people don't want 'friends' they don't personally know...Ugh.


Stephaine said...

hey there! sometimes that thing happen!
if you are asking someone who has hundreds of followers already then maybe they are the one who tend to screen more than they should... cant blame them if they are the king and queen of the blogersphere...
but they are not the only one... there are millions of bloggers out there... maybe you just hit the wrong blog.. "hehe"...
I've been here for one day now as i am writing this comment and there is one thing i have learn... leave a comment on their blog and they will check you out if they comment back it's a positive side, if they don't do it again if the third time and they did not comment back them it means move to another blog..
do i talk like i know a lot when you have been here longer than i do... hehe my sister is a blogger thats how i learn things in this blogging world..
good luck!

Stephaine said...

i also kindah notice that you did not follow those who followed you.
it's just a matter of returning the favor hehe!

Janette said...

sorry stephanie it's only today that i've saw your comment on my article. Thanks for your comments and im very appreciate it that you saw my articles about this. happy blogging and following my blog. God bless you