My Daughter

My Daughter

Friday, December 30, 2016

Change is Life

A life is a journey full of changes. It is changing every second. Change is the most important part of our life. Everything changes. Time changes, weather changes, circumstances change, age and body changes every year, fashion changes, moreover people change, life is impossible without change.

Some changes are good and joyful, whereas some are bad and some are very painful. Sometimes we want to change our situations for out betterment and some time just change in our attitude makes our world beautiful. Sometimes we don't want change in our life but we have to accept the change. These changes are God's planning and are called painful changes. But remember that every change what kind of it is, it is only for our betterment. Some changes are brought into our life by us and make our life worst. I mean to say when our circumstances changes and we forget our pain and change our attitude towards the people who were kind with us or with poor people. These are bad changes and these changes take us back to hard days.

Life is precious and will end one day. Life has given so many gifts and so many chances and opportunity. But we moreover miss them because we are very far away from us and from ours. If you feel life is not changing, sometime it happens with very rare people. So what, you bring some change into your life. There is always something good and something bad in every situation not only situation everything has good and bad properties. It's up to us how we take. If we find good things then life will be peaceful and attract happiness whereas if we find faults or negativity then life more negativity, aggression, frustration, fear, despair etc. Try to be thankful to God early in the morning whenever you open your eyes then day will be good and no change will disturb your peace of mind.

We want to change the world beside ourself because we thing we are perfect. No, we are still not perfect. Perfections and growth comes only with change. Change in job gives you experience, change in thoughts can change your life and even your relationship. As time passes we start adjusting with the change and at the end it is like a huge surprise. We have to keep and maintain lot of patience. Accepting life as it comes is the best way for being happy throughout the life.

If You Say You Can't, You Won't

 If you say or even think you can't do something, then you won't.

It's that simple. And this is the saddest truth there is in the process of being successful. There are so many hurdles you will face in your journey to wherever it is that you're going, there's no getting around it. There will be plenty of circumstances and people and limits that you will face insisting that you can't. NO matter how positive, how motivated or how successful you become, there will always be obstacles in your way, it's just a natural part in the process. However, the biggest obstacle you will likely face is yourself. I can pretty much guarantee the only thing standing between you and your most outlandish dreams and goals is the limits you place on yourself. 

You can accomplish almost anything you can dream of with the right tools and motivation. But you will not accomplish even your most ordinary goals if you say you can't. You will never know how hard, or how easy something really is until you actually try with all your might if you never even give it a chance. "Can't" is the ultimate serial killer of Chance. You might not even be aware that you are you're own worst enemy, and how much you are limiting yourself simply by your own conviction that you can't. So evaluate the things you think you "can't" and turn it into could be. Start thinking, and then knowing you can and prove yourself wrong knowing you tried your hardest. Then when you think you've done everything you can do, and you can't do anything more, think again.

You CAN do it.

Respect the Perception

My life offered me changes. I grabbed them and every time I felt oh no I again ruined it up!! This was my last chance and again I choosed the wrong way and thought maybe I have no other chance left so I have to deal with whatever it is now! As I am romantic person, all I wanted was a wonderful relationship and a happy life. I felt like I have full right to be happy! When time pass by I was not satisfied with whatever the life gave me and I felt miserable at times. With passing by I learnt lots of things. On process I learnt that I was being dependent on other to get happy! Every time I let my heart fall over with romantic talk, a kind word and appreciation! Then I realized that every time it was other who was making me happy and it was on their hand to control over my life. I just think now that there are many such offering that we have to offer to ourself! A talk to ourself and appreciate our own effort! Wants are never ending and more wants in life make you more !

Dependent so I think whatever we are going through are the result of what we want and what we expected! Now I look the world through my perception and also know that my perception values only for me!! People out there have their own way of living their life! I respect everyone perception! I realized there is no such thing that differentiate between right and wrong! These are made and universally we know nothing! Whatever makes me ease not necessarily ease other person! So live the way you are as who know it might be the perfect! Happiness is a habit and adopt that. Don't let any other control over your life!

Keep Fighting

Don’t allow the negative things in your life to discount the positive ones. Don’t let a bad day or month or year make you feel like you have a bad life. Instead of focusing on everything that’s going wrong, start holding onto all of the things that are going right. You may be struggling, but there is still so much to keep fighting for — there is still so much more to life than this pain. And if you keep picking yourself back up and pushing forward, no matter how difficult things are, you will discover it.

Maybe not tomorrow or next week or a year from now, but someday soon, things will get better. Someday soon, you will find freedom from this darkness. And when you do, you’ll look back on these days and wonder how you could have doubted your resilience. You’ll look back and marvel at how something as small as refusing to give up could transform your life in such a substantial way.

Until Being Strong Is Your Only Choice

Change is considerably easier when you have a full complement of supporting partners and unlimited resources. But, since very often it is the shock of a death, divorce or some other life tragedy that unceremoniously tosses us out of our comfort zone to fend for ourselves, it can mean being forced to strike out alone which for many of us is the scariest part of all.

However, it is indefensible to can claim ignorance to the possible ramifications of continued inaction. The choice belongs to each and every one of us. We all have the power to change both our thoughts and behaviour thereby giving more intentional direction to the remainder of our lives.

Probably the most difficult thing about pursuing significant change is doing it when you don’t have the knowledge, financial or emotional tools available to make the process go smoothly.

I don’t know if it’s possible to leave this world with zero regrets. Because of the natural life cycles and the fact that sometimes it’s the tragedy that causes our awakenings we often have our epiphanies too late to avoid certain painful outcomes.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Attitude is Everything!

Attitude is one of the few things in life where we have a true choice. We cannot change what is fated to happen or the actions of events or other people.

What we can change is our reaction to such things with the attitude we adopt. In truth, our attitude can be more important that anything we do. How we react is everything and our attitude is the choice we have; it is a choice we make every minute of every day.

It can make or break families and nations. It's more important than schooling, talent, looks or wealth. It is a state of mind that no one can take from us. If we are in control of our attitudes, we are in command of our lives. And that is the best way to live.

Best Drum Ever!!

One of the best quality and most affordable instrument like drum right now is the
Toontrack EZdrummer. The software of this can manipulate individual grooves based on their similarity to one dragged.   The sound of this drum is different from the other drum, that is why I will recommend this instrument to my friends, relatives and my co-worker that if they are planning to buy a drum for their love ones make it sure that they will buy toontrack ezdrumme.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Real Friendship

Are you being a true friend to someone who needs you? This is the type of person we should all strive to be.

Real friends are the ones who are there to support you during the hard times.

It's Christmas

It was a few days before Christmas many years ago and it looked like it would be a lean one for my family. The saw mill that I was working at had laid a lot of us off while machinery was being repaired so we didn’t have much money. My wife and I had scrimped and saved to buy our young children some toys, but an unexpected car repair had taken most of our cash. We decided then that we could only afford to get one small gift for each of our children.

We arrived at the store and walked down the parking lot past people loading gifts into their cars. I envied them a bit, because it sure didn’t feel like Christmas to me. We hurried into the store past the Salvation army bell ringer with our heads down. I had always enjoyed putting something in his kettle before but wasn’t sure if I could afford to this time. We searched all through the store hoping to find one thing each of our small children would like. Thankfully, we were able to get them each someone sweet. We headed for the checkout, bought the toys, and were amazed that we even had a few dollars left over. 

Every time we love, every time we give it’s Christmas.” It doesn’t have to be a gift of money either. When we give our time, it’s Christmas. When we share our smile, it’s Christmas. When we give others our kindness and compassion, it’s Christmas. When we do anything at any time to help another, it’s Christmas. May you do all you can to make it Christmas every day of the year and every day of your life here. May you always share God’s light through the love you give and the life you live.

The Truth Is, I Don't 'Have It All Together'

Recently I have had a few friends and family members comment to me, 'you seem to always have it all together.' I want people, especially other moms out there to know that, I try, but the truth is, I don't 'have it all together.' In today's world, so many parents think they need to live up to a stereotype that in my personal opinion, completely hinders our abilities to enjoy the true meaning of life. 

So in honor of these two photos of my beautiful daughter. It's ok to have dishes backed up in your sink, it's ok for your house to not look like a show home on a daily basis. We all do it. Whether we admit it or not, just know when you feel overwhelmed, you are not alone. You are doing your best, so keep doing it. The happiness you bring to your children is not measured by what you own, what you buy, or what your house looks like on a daily basis. Happiness is measured by the time spent and memories made with your children and your family. Don't ever forget that, don't ever forget to actually love what matters.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas Dinner

Christmas dinner is a meal traditionally eaten at Christmas. This meal can take place any time from the evening of Christmas Eve to the evening of Christmas Day itself. The meals are often particularly rich and substantial, in the tradition of the Christian feast day celebration, and form a significant part of gatherings held to celebrate Christmas.

The actual meal consumed varies in different parts of the world with regional cuisine and local traditions. In many parts of the world, the meal shares some connection with the English Christmas dinner involving roasted meats. 

Christmas dinner in the Philippines is called Noche Buena following Hispanic custom, and is held towards midnight of December 24. This usually comes after the entire family has attended the late evening Mass called the  Misa de Gallo. The centrepiece of the Noche Buena is often the hamon. Other ubiquitous dishes are pasta and for dessert, fruit salad. Most of the food served on Noche Buena are fresh and usually prepared during the day of Christmas Eve.

This focus on the family is common to all Filipino socio-economic classes and ethnic groups that observe Christmas in that most – if not all – members from branch or extended families in a clan are expected to partake of the Noche Buena. Relatives living abroad, especially OFWs, are highly encouraged to return home for the occasion, as it is the most important Filipino Christian holiday of the year. Most families prefer to exchange Christmas presents right after the dinner, in contrast to the Western custom of opening presents on Christmas morning.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Mother’s Love is Priceless

There is always a person in your life that you know you can count on. That person is the one that gave you life and loves you unconditionally. A mother’s love is priceless and will always exist. Their care and love is like a beautiful rose, but a rose that is unable to die. Nothing overpowers the warmth that isolates you when a mother’s hug is received. They are there in your happy moments, but most importantly in your saddest to give sunshine to your rainy eyes…

My mother is the strongest person I know. She has been through so much, yet she was able to raise and educate her children as well as she did. Working hard and making sure that none of her children were missing anything was her number one priority. The stress of being a single mother made her love for us much stronger.
I believe that the separation gave my mother more hope and confidence. She knew how much my siblings and I were suffering, but she cured us with her love. She is the one who keeps the house running and under control. Even though it may seem to her that we take her love for granted, I can assure her that it can’t be… a mother’s love is priceless.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Christmas Day

I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round, as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. 

Instead of being a time of unusual behavior, Christmas is perhaps the only time in the year when people can obey their natural impulses and express their true sentiments without feeling self-conscious and, perhaps, foolish. Christmas, in short, is about the only chance a man has to be himself. 

I sometimes think we expect too much of Christmas Day. We try to crowd into it the long arrears of kindliness and humanity of the whole year. As for me, I like to take my Christmas a little at a time, all through the year. And thus I drift along into the holidays — let them overtake me unexpectedly — waking up some fine morning and suddenly saying to myself: "Why, this is Christmas Day!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Music helps me connect to God

Music is a great gift from God. Personally, I believe that all music in and of itself is amoral, meaning neither good nor bad. What matters is the message in the music. If you call yourself a Christian you should follow Christ. Jesus has changed your heart to desire Him. You shout over what you’re passionate about, so shout for Jesus, whatever the music form. Clap, sing and head bang to sing and shout to old hymns…but be passionate, not for the music, but for Jesus.

Music is something that touches your soul and makes you enjoy some aspect of your connectedness to creation. We all have deep within us a spot that can be reached by the beauty of nature, music, art, poetry, etc. I would say though that if the music has a negative pattern of vile or reprobate speech that it’s not something we should embrace. Scriptures tell us to dwell on that which is lovely, pure and righteous so we can’t be dwelling on words that are violent or caustic. A mind can’t hold two dominate thoughts at the same time and what we listen to does matter to our subconscious mind as well as our conscious mind.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

How Can I Be The Best Mother?

They say that a mother is only as happy as her least happy child. As a mother, you live, breathe, and sacrifice for the well-being of your children. Seeing them succeed is the best thing in the world, and watching them falter is gut-wrenching. The important thing to remember is that the love you invest in your children absolutely makes a difference, even if you don't see it bear fruit at first.

  • Stay true to yourself. You don't have to give up your own passions and interests once you become a mom
  • Don't be a martyr
  • Don't try to be perfect
  • Ditch the guilt
  • Be Patient
  • Listen to your children
  • Be their mom, not their friend
  • Teach them simplicity

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Happy Life

Are you truly happy? Do you even know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves. I live my life to maintain my own happiness while trying my best to not cause unhappiness to anyone else. If you want to be happy you need to understand that you can be happy and that you should be happy. Many people make the mistake of believing that they don’t deserve happiness and accept their unhappy state as their destiny. The truth of the matter is that happiness, like anything else in life, needs to be nurtured.

 Happiness is hard to define but most people are aware of whether they are happy or not. Many people believe that happiness is a form of luck and that some people are destined to be happy while others are destined to be unhappy. I try to incorporate the tips above into my life and have had great success in achieving happiness.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Life Is a Precious Gift

I believe that every single day of life is a precious gift and should be lived to the fullest extent possible. It did, however, take me 34 years to arrive at this conclusion. Up until that time I was afraid to live. I was afraid to speak up or share my opinions, hopes, fears, or (God-forbid) beliefs to anyone.

While it was always difficult for me to express my voice, I certainly had one. I felt a deep, internal passion for all aspects of life. Yet I was afraid to let it shine through. Instead I just wanted to blend in and not be recognized as different or distinct. I wanted to be the background of life’s tapestry – I preferred to let others fabricate the bold, creative, and unique design on top.

Sometimes to live fully means allowing the tears to stream down my face when I experience pain or sadness. At other times my smiles and laughter express the shear abundance of happiness in my life. I welcome all of these feelings, emotions and experiences. I recognize that my life is enhanced by the good and challenging experiences alike, as long as they are received as opportunities to learn and grow in response to them.
I now readily offer my opinions, hopes, fears, and (most of all) beliefs to anyone who will listen. I recognize that every person (myself included) equally imprints their own, bold, creative, and unique design to the tapestry. The background, which I mistakenly thought was my contribution, is actually the thread that ties us all together making equal space for everyone’s individual beliefs to be proudly displayed. This spacious, encompassing, integral background is what holds life’s tapestry together where my voice is expressed and heard just the same as everyone else’s. Recognizing that, I now awaken each morning ready to embrace what the day has to offer me and I allow the passion I feel in each moment to shine through.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

First Impressions

This words reminded me how easy it is to make wrong first judgments. Based on incomplete or inaccurate information, we can jump to wrong conclusions and make poor value judgments about people and situations. And that can cause great hurt to others.
Speaking to people who had misjudged Him, Jesus warned, "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment. We need to be careful that our judgments are backed up by the right information the truth and the right attitude the compassion of Christ.
Don't judge too quickly what you see. Treat lightly first impressions. Misunderstandings multiply without right information.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Appreciation of Hard Work

Statistics show that half of employees switch jobs to gain more recognition. Showing your employees a little appreciation can go a long way. Gallup found that employees, who receive praise, perform better. The below listing of employee appreciation messages have been used by others to provide additional encouragement and appreciation for their employees. To become easier to execute, changes become easier to implement and problems become easier to solve.

From time to time, small verbal gestures of appreciation do a lot to motivate and boost the morale of employees. As an employer, show your appreciation by sending a thank you message to your employees. Good work on the completed project! Our client was pleased; and that was because of your commendable idea! 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Affordable Instrument

One of the most unique instruments right now especially keyboards is called yamaha ypt-240. This instrument is a versatile range of sounds and the functions are good.  The musicians inspired to use this kind of instruments and the sounds are great. This is the ideal musical instrument for people especially if you loved music.   I will recommend my friends and relatives to buy this kind of instruments because aside this is a good quality, this is also affordable to buy.  

God's Hand of Blessing

In the midst of the Lord 's Prayer are these familiar words: "Give us this day our daily bread". They remind us that we are dependent on God for everything, and He is the giver of every blessing. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights.
Some people say, "Why should I pray for my daily bread? I can take care of my own needs. If it weren't for God's love and grace, you wouldn't have anything. We need to pray this prayer everyday, because we need to be reminded to trust God in everything.
This prayer reminds us also of Jesus words "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger. Thank God for all His gifts especially Christ, the greatest gift of all.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Sun Still Shining

Everyone of us has different problems that we encountered in our lives. Without the clouds we wouldn't be shielded from the burning sun. Without the clouds there would be no lavish sunsets, no beneficial rain, no beautiful landscapes.

The same is true with life's clouds. When hard times come we easily get discouraged. But behind the clouds God is still present, and can even use them to water our souls with unexpected blessings.

Each of us experiences clouds in life sometimes slight, but sometimes dark and frightening. Whatever clouds we face today, ask Jesus, the light of the world, to help you look behind the cloud to see His glory and His plans for us.

Love We Can Trust

Perhaps the most painful statement a person can hear is , "I don't love you anymore". Those worda end relationships, break hearts, and shatter dreams. Often, people who have been betrayed guard themselves against future paim by deciding not to trust anyone's love again. That settled conviction may even include the love of God.

The remarkable thing about God's love for us in His promise that it will never end. A person may now vow to love us forever yet fail to keep that promise, but God's love remains steadfast and sure. He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. That's love we can trust.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Walk With God

For many years I have sought to walk with God every day.  What a joy it is to wake up in the morning and know He is with me, no matter what the day has in store.  What a joy it is too look back in the evening and be able to thank Him for His faithfulness and to experience His peace. What a joy it is to know that some day soon the burdens of this life will be over and I will awaken in His presence!

When I think about God's love I tend to dwell upon all the good things He has done for me. But then I must stop and realize that even when circumstances have been hand or the way unclear, God has still surrounder me with His love. God's love is just as real and just as powerful in the darkness as it is in the light. And that is why we can have hope! Every day I turn to the Bible to give me strength and wisdom for the day and hope for the future.

Its words have seen me through good times and bad through times of happiness and grief, health and sickness, victory and disappointment. God's Word can do the same for you.

Well-Chosen Words

I did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God.

The words we speak may indicate a heart that's filled with pride; But Godly self-control displays the spirit's work inside.

As we grow in our understanding of God's Word, let's follow Paul's example and guard against parading knowledge for knowledge's sake.  Instead, let's use well-chosen words that build up and encourage others.

Safe Room

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it ans are safe.

It's often easier to trust in what our eyes can see, But God asks us to look to Him for our security.

In some homes, owners have built safe rooms - special places where they can go for protection should someone break into the house.

Wealth may not be your particular "safe room". You might tend to run instead to something or someone else when adversity comes.  But we all need to learn to depend daily on the Lord and find a high point of safety in the safe room of His name.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Fall In Love

Have you ever fall in love? Ever cared about someone special? Ever felt like there’s nothing happier than being with this person? Not waste even a single moment with him. Cherish and joy those times together? Along the journey of love, you’ll experience lots of things. You’ll discover lots of reason to even love this special person in your life. And not just hat, also be prepared for change.  Be prepared that there’s no permanent in this world.  And that people does change too. Be prepared that it may not be always happiness; you’ll experience tough times where the so called love is being tested by the ONE who created it, God.  Until when you can hold on?  How long can you be patient? How many times do you have to forgive? Are you up for His challenge?  Will you fight for it?  See there’s no perfect relationship.  It just takes two brave and committed humans to last in LOVE.  

Some people say that it’s easy to fall in love, but hard to stay in love.  Easy in the sense that feelings are shown; love is being given in return; Hard in the sense that you get to know the person deeply, the character and what kind of person he/she really is.  They may unintentionally hurt you; even destroy you and your whole being.  But it’s a matter of accepting, forgiving, and analysing if it’s still worth fighting for.  I;ve been there, done that.  I’ve felt every possible pain you can imagine.  And every time I’m in that moment, it feels as if its my first time.  

Not knowing what to do, how to react, and how to deal with it.  Pains is the last things I’d like to feel.  For me it’s disappointing, make me weak and makes me ask myself: “what’s wrong with me? What’s missing? What more can I give if it was my best?”.  It really hurts so bad, I swear.  It’s something that I don’t wanna feel ever so often. No please not me.  

As far as I know, even if I’m not perfect, I love with all my heart.  I commit my loyalty and trust to that person.  But see, if you were taken for granted that’s where pain comes in.  Because I expect.  If a person is in a relationship, in my opinion he/she the right to expect for the love to be given back.  Nothing’s free in the real world.  Well, if some people only has a choice to love someone who they love, then that person now has the right to expect too.  People will always be human, feel and act like human.  You really can’t dictate heart.  Because it beats on its own.  It has its own life.  Let it be, Let it show you on its own little way.  Just like your partner.  He has his own life and the world does not only revolve around you.  Let him breath.  Give him space.  Let him show you his own way of loving you .  You don’t have to ask.  Give him a chance, let him be.  He will, if he really wants to.

Friday, October 14, 2016

I'm just ME

I'm not perfect, I'm me.  I've made bad decisions and wrong choices, but I'm me.  I've said the wrong things; I've said the right things, because I am me.  I don't like everything I've done, but I did it because I'm me.  I've loved the wrong people and trusted the wrong people and I'm still me.  If I had  chance to start again, I wouldn't change a thing.  Why? Because I'm me. There are a lot of good things about me; you just need to look past the imperfections to see what's right. If you can't do that them it's your loss.  I'm the best I can be.  I am ME!

A Note from a Mother

I gave birth to you, but you came with no instructions. All I knew was that I loved you long before I saw you. I know I made some mistakes and for that, I am sorry, but I was doing the best I could with what I knew.  Everything I did for you, I did from love.  You are my child, my life, my dreams for tomorrow.  I will always LOVE you and there is nothing that could ever destroy my love for you.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

My Gift

My brother Jecjec requested me to buy him a guitar because the guitar that he used right now is very old.  I bought his guitar when he was high school.  I told him that I promised that I buy your guitar this coming December when I got my Christmas bonus, I buy a guitar for him the name is zakk wylde guitar.  This kind of guitar is affordable and nice to use. I will tell my friends to buy this kind of guitar to their relatives.

It Can Cure Pain

When I visited my father last 9 October 2016 in his house, he told me that he suffered pain of his legs and this kind of pain is an arthritis. Every time when he stand up and walked he can’t control the pain that he suffered right now.  I told him don’t worry I will buy a medicine for you to take and the name is m365, this kind of medicine is very effective and especially affordable.  This kind of medicine I will recommend this to my officemate and friends because it can cure and treatment of back pain, pain, rheumatoid arthritis.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Durian Yummy Fruit!!

The durian is becoming more and more an expensive fruit, even in the Philippines.  Not so long time ago, you could buy in Davao City, the capital of Mindanao.  Southern Mindanao is considered the “durian republic” in the Philippines.  The durian fruit-tree is widely spread through Southeast Asia particularly in Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. It is also an important crop in Vietnam and Myanmar.  In the Philippines, the durian-tree grows almost exclusive on Mindanao.  In the rest of the country the trees are few.

Durian is famous for its odor.  The opinion about the qualities of that odor are quite opposite! Most Asian people say that the odor of the durian can be compared to a perfume.  Other people especially foreigners, say that the fruit, when the skin of the fruit is opened.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

High School Life

My school days were not a bundle of laughs. I went to rather strict girls’ grammar school in the 90s, where the often ferocious teachers wore tweeds, brogues, and stiff, grim hairstyles with the occasional grey sausage curls. I did have some best friends, but not in the main. 

I find it impossible to say what the “happiest days of my life” were, since I know that perspective on the past is impossibly distorted by the present, and that the span of time is so great and the complications so numerous, it makes even making a guess an activity verging on the spurious.

School days for me were like the rest of my life since, a mixture of the pleasurable and the torturous. The pleasurable parts are easy enough to identify – the commonality of being part of a group, the simple fun of being young, advertised by the precocious girls of the fifth and sixth forms.

I am A Practical Mom

Are you a pratical mom like me? Well I know some of you are practical Mom.  Mostly nowadays,prices are getting higher and higher..  And because of that I wanted to show you
 guy's my finds,this christmas..  As you all know that I am in a very tight budget.  And since I just receive my salary,we headed to buy for our stocks at home.  I bought sometimes my basic needs in my family has a discount items.  It can help our monthly budget and can save a little bit money.  That's why I but in a reasonable price items..

For me it is not bad at all.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Favorite Song

I like this song IKAW. I sang this song during my 40th Birthday last year. I'm hoping that you like this song.

Here's the Lyrics.  But sorry the video is not totally done.\

[Verse 1]
Sa pagpatak ng bawat oras ay ikaw
Ang iniisip-isip ko hindi ko mahinto pintig ng puso
Ikaw ang pinangarap-ngarap ko
Simula ng matanto na balang araw iibig ang puso

Ikaw ang pag-ibig na hinintay
Puso ay nalumbay ng kay tagal
Ngunit ngayo'y nandito na
Ikaw, ikaw ang pag-ibig na binigay
Sa akin ng may kapal biyaya ka sa buhay ko
Ligaya't pag-ibig ko'y ikaw

[Verse 2]
Humihinto sa bawat oras ng tagpo
Ang pag-ikot ng mundo ngumingiti ng kusa aking puso
Pagka't nasagot na ang tanong nag-aalala noon kung may magmamahal sa'kin ng tunay

Ikaw ang pag-ibig na hinintay
Puso ay nalumbay ng kay tagal 
Ngunit ngayo'y nandito na
Ikaw, ikaw ang pag-ibig na binigay
Sa akin ng may kapal biyaya ka sa buhay ko
Ligaya't pag-ibig ko'y ikaw

At hindi pa'ko umibig ng gan'to
At nasa isip makasama ka habang buhay

Ikaw ang pag-ibig na hinintay
Puso ay nalumbay ng kay tagal
Ngunit ngayo'y nandito na
Ikaw, ikaw ang pag-ibig na binigay
Sa akin ng may kapal biyaya ka sa buhay ko
Ligaya't pag-ibig ko'y ikaw

Puso ay nalumbay ng kay tagal
Ngunit ngayo'y nandito na
Ikaw, ikaw ang pag-ibig na binigay
Sa akin ng may kapal biyaya ka sa buhay ko
Ligaya't pag-ibig ko'y ikaw

Pag-ibig ko'y ikaw...