The Bible has 7487 promises for the Believer. Note the word used, Believer, and not a just a mere Christian. These promises are only available to the person who believes he or she is truly the child of God.
Where can the promises be found?
Well it is quite easy, it can be found in the Bible. It is stated in almost every part of Biblical scriptures. Here are some of the words that will let you recognize them as promises. The first and most famous is the word BLESSED. Every time we read the Bible and find blessed, it is a sign that God is promising something to us
How do we claim these promises?
First of all, it takes the act of obedience. God is a jealous God and He is a God who recognizes Obedience and cherishes it so much. He states in the scriptures, TO OBEY IS BETTER THAN TO SACRIFICE. The act of obedience does not mean we will never sin. We were born in sin and the world is full of sinful things. But an obedient person is one who recognizes that he or she can repent and ask for forgiveness from God.
Secondly, use the scriptures. God wants us to quote His scriptures back to Him and to believe in Him all the time. Everything is possible to him who believes. Christians should learn to meditate on Gods word daily and be doers of it and not hearers only. That opens the back door of heaven for the promises to be released.
Thirdly, pray. Prayer is the only way a Christian talks to God. A believer who does not pray is a losing the spiritual battle. Jesus who was Himself God prayed a lot and He taught His disciples how to pray. The Bible says come boldly into the throne of Grace so that you will obtain mercy in times of need. The only way to do that is by prayer. Learn to pray
"As a child of the King I claim the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; here there is no conflict with the law. Since I live by faith and follow the Holy Spirit, I will let Him lead me in every part of my life. I will not become conceited or irritate my brothers and sisters in Christ, nor will I be jealous of any of them. I always put on the full armor of God so that I can stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the devil, and I use every piece of God's armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle I will still be standing firm. I will stay alert and be persistent in my prayer for all Christians everywhere, and I will also follow The Golden Rule in my daily life".