My Daughter

My Daughter

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

God is visible

Good day world!!! Right here I’m quite enthusiastic more to update my blogs. I’m at home now and I don’t have the mood to go to my office because I don’t feel to work right now because my back is aching but I have still the nerve to write hehe lol.

Anyway, I am still happy these days. I have so many things to do and gradually it becomes visible. I’m so happy for the positive outcome of every desires that I want in life. I really thank God above all things for all the wondrous and rare ideas HE often bestowed unto me.His guidance, his financial blessings, and all the things I ask from HIM he certainly say YES!

What I want at this time is the continuous strength and body fit to do all the task as a mom for mydaughter, a wife to my husband, a good employee to my big boss, a competent blogger and a successful entrepreneur on this upcoming days. All things are closely possible with all the guidance from God.

God’s power gives me wisdom that gives me joy and strength in all endeavor I take.

GOd is extremely good all the TIME!

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